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Where Worlds and Decades Collide

And I would be remiss not to include my annual giggle as @DarinRMcClure tries his hand at being all "Halmark-y" It's like watching your life pass before your eyes, not death, but the celebration of one's birthday on Facebook. Where worlds and decades collide. Childhood friends, both the Minnesota and Vermont contingent, relatives, my long lost brother, college roommates, neighbors now and then, others who I have collected along the many misadventures. They all pop in your timeline and it's wonderful. Minnesota Bits and pieces of memories start flooding back. Saying "Goodbye" to my Minnesota friends at 15, not knowing we would all be connected via this thing called the internet years later. Sharing the tales of motherhood with girls I used to giggle about boys with. The fashion faux pas and the big hair. Vermont - High School Driving Kirk's Camero too fast into the school parking lot wearing a paper Burger King crown, and now seeing him as...

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